Thursday, August 14, 2008

This week Part 2

I put up another piece today called "Sealed." I have been dreaming it about for months. I envision it to be part of a big series of rope pieces hanging on the gallery walls.

It is made up of steel rings screwed to the walls. Ropes are tied to them and fastened to two ceramic hands holding each other.

This piece touches on our dependence on one another, particularly those we are closest too. I was really thinking about growing old with my wife Julie. We keep each other up by holding on tight.

The rope was too thick for the small loops I made in the clay, so I unwound the three main strands so there was only two left. I used my boy scout experience (and a little help from Google) to wrap the ends together, avoiding a huge knot by the hands.


Peace, Phoenix said...

Hello Matt I love this one, especially the shadow element, it seems to add to your original concept very well. Pretty clever, and the part about the boy scott training to make the rope work, classic Matt move.

Peace and best regards to your family

Pencil Writer said...

Love the clasp of hands. I think it's one of the most important, powerful, tender and reassuring human interactions we can experience.